Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Blog Post 5- PLNs What Are They?

     Personal Learning Networks (PLN) is the network of people and tools that you can use to get help, come up with ideas, or just ask someone to review your work.  A PLN would allow you, as a teacher, to be able to easily broaden and expand your knowledge, which is very important for educators. Teachers can communicate with other teachers and also their students to learn so much new and helpful information to help them further improve their quality of teaching. Many of us already have a PLN and do not even realize it. Family, friends, and colleagues would be considered your original PLN. Now your PLN can be much broader due to all of the social networks available, such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. Two of the most widely used websites to create a PLN are, Symbaloo and Netvibes

     I personally liked Symbaloo, it seems very easy to use and learn. The first person I am going to add will be teachers that I have gotten to work with and also teachers on Pinterest. I have a Pinterest board devoted to interesting school projects and worksheets and things for my future classroom. I created my Symbaloo account by logging in through Facebook, so I will also be adding people from there.  I cannot wait to start utilizing my PLN, it is such an interesting way to learn from so many different sources.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ignore previous comment. I remember your email now.

  3. You have many good resources, and a good understanding of PLNs. This was also well written. PLNs are very useful for teachers to get information to one another simply. They have been proven so much in the past, and they continue to get better with time.

  4. I agree, PLNs are a good way to broaden a teachers knowledge.
